Board of Governors


The Justin F. Kimball Alumni Board of Governors was created and organized in June 2002 for the purpose of directing, supervising and administering the organization and activities of the Alumni Association. The Board shall consist of no fewer than 9 members with no two members serving from the same class. There shall be three (3) non-voting advisory members. These members shall serve at the pleasure of the Board and include one (1) Treasurer, one (1) Historian and one (1) Technology consultant.


Board Members will be approved and appointed by a steering committee for terms of twenty-four (24) months beginning on February 1st of each calendar year. For 2002, all members will be appointed to serve for six (6) months beginning in June, 2002 and may be from the same class year.  The Board of Governors shall elect one of their group to serve as Chairman. In January 2003, current Board members shall have the option to remain on the board through 2004. Should additional Board members be needed, a new steering committee selected by the Board of Governors shall nominate no fewer than a necessary number of members to fill out the Board’s membership with no more than 2 members from the same class. The Board of Governors shall contact each of the nominees to secure their approval to serve and then review and select by majority vote the incoming members, said vote to take place prior to February 1st.


The Board of Governors shall select a Treasurer who shall perform all financial functions for the Alumni Association. The duties and responsibilites are to be determined by need and at the direction of the Board of Governors. The treasurer will collect, deposit and disburse all funds while providing accurate reporting in written form of those activities to the Board. The Treasurer shall maintain all records pertaining to the financial activities of the Association.  The Treasurer shall open appropriate accounts at a responsible financial institution. The Treasurer shall be designated as primary signature on the accounts with disbursement authority up to $1000.00 without additional signature. For disbursements over $1000.00, one additional Board Member shall be necessary as secondary signature. The Board of Governors shall appoint no less than 3 members as secondary signatories, of which any one of those may cosign for all disbursements along with the Treasurer.


The Board of Governors shall select a Historian to prepare, collect, record and maintain all records pertaining to the historical record of Justin F. Kimball High School, its students, faculty and organizations.  The Historian shall also serve as Secretary of the Board of Governors and record in minute form the activities and decisions of the Board of Governors.  The Historian will attempt to acquire historical information of Justin F. Kimball High School and provide consulting to the Board of Governors and others as to the use of such information.


The Board of Governors shall select a Technology Advisor for the purpose of maintaining effective and current technology pertaining to the Alumni Association’s presence on the Internet. The Technical Advisor shall advise on all matters of development, maintenance, corrections, additions or other necessary changes to the Internet Website. A Webmaster whose function is to carry out the directions of and serve at the pleasure of the Technical Advisor


The Board of Governors shall have the power to enter contracts, acquire services or otherwise perform usual and customary duties that are typical of administrative officers or board of director members.  They shall serve without personal financial liability and without requirement of bonding.  They shall have the power to amend, add or otherwise change their duties, functions or other matters that pertain to their ability to carry out their functions to the Alumni Association.  The Board of Governors shall meet at intervals no less than quarterly to attend matters and shall hold an annual meeting with notice to the Alumni Association no less than thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.  They shall notify the membership by written, verbal or electronic means the date, time and location of the annual meeting. The Board of Governors shall have the power to remove by majority vote any board member who has not carried out the normal and necessary functions and duties ascribed to the members.